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How To Get Rid Of Dust Bunnies

dust bunny on busy pan

Dust bunnies are created when common household debris, like fluffy bits of dryer lint or shed hairs, are charged with static electricity. The tiny electric charge attracts other debris, including particles of dust, dead skin cells, and cobwebs.

After a short time, there is enough dust and debris around the charged material to form a fluffy ball that easily slides over smooth surfaces like hardwood. Typically, materials like hair and dust collect in unused areas of the home over a period of time, allowing the dust bunny to grow undisturbed.

Learning how to get rid of dust bunnies is easy, but persistence is a must if your goal is long-term eradication.

The Process

  1. Dust Thoroughly
  2. Mop the Floors
  3. Vacuum Your Floors
  4. Clean the Air

Dust Thoroughly

The simplest way to get rid of dust bunnies is to dust your home thoroughly, including unused and less-frequently used rooms.

To make the task easier, trade your feather duster for a microfiber cloth dampened with plain water. The damp microfiber effectively traps dust and debris, while other dusting methods simply redistribute dust to other areas in the home.

Mop the Floors

Avoid sweeping and use a damp mop to clean your floors. Like dusting with a feather duster, sweeping redistributes dust and contributes to dust bunny formation. Microfiber mops are available and are an excellent option for regular dusting and cleaning.

Vacuum Your Floors

Vacuum carpets with a high-quality vacuum to remove dust hidden deep in the carpet fibers. Use a vacuum that has a HEPA filter. The HEPA filter can keep dust bunny-forming materials out of your home.

Clean the Air

While dust, hair and other materials are found in all homes, use an air purifier to reduce dust and other common indoor air pollutants that contribute to dust bunny formation.

Change your HVAC filters regularly. Use the vacuum attachments to easily clean drapes, upholstery and hard to reach corners. If you have pets, brush them regularly with a hair-trapping brush to reduce shedding.

With persistence, these tips can help you maintain a permanently dust bunny-free home. And, if you keep having problems with dust bunnies, contact Trustworthy Cleaning Services to get the clean you need.
